2020 Presidential Primary Election
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Polls are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
Calling all Republicans!
Tuesday. March 3 is Super Tuesday, which is the Presidential Primary Election Day in Oklahoma (and several other states). In Oklahoma there are 6 candidates on the Republican ballot. President Trump is one, but there are 5 others most of us have never heard of. It is imperative that all registered Republican voters turn out the vote. The Presidential election is underway now and your vote is needed March 3. Spread the word to your Republican friends and let’s turn out a strong vote for a MARCH 3 Primary!
Other important dates:
March Monthly Meeting
   March 5, 2020
   6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - March Madness Tailgate Food
   7:00 pm Guest Speaker - John Hawkins, former Oklahoma Ethics Commissioner
Broken Arrow Republican Women's Club Meeting
   Monday, March 16, 2020
   6:30 pm Guest Speaker - Dr. Everett Piper
   Location: Main Street Loft, 202 S. Main St., Broken Arrow, OK 74012
1st District Convention
   Saturday, March 28, 2020
   Location: The Assembly, 3500 W New Orleans St, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
   * A email will be coming out shortly to those who were approved at our County Convention about time and how to register.
   * Delegates were determined at the County Convention on February 8th.
April Monthly Meeting
   April 2, 2020
   6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
   7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
School Board Elections
   April 7, 2020
   Polls will be open from 7 am - 7 pm.
Oklahoma Republican Party State Convention
   Saturday, May 2, 2020
   More info to come.
   * A email will be coming out shortly to those who were approved at our County Convention about time and how to register.
   * Delegates were determined at the County Convention on February 8th.
June Monthly Meeting
   June 4, 2020
   6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
   7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
July Monthly Meeting
   July 3, 2020
   6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
   7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
August Monthly Meeting
   August 6, 2020
   6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
   7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
2020 Republican National Convention
   Monday, August 24, 2020 - Thursday, August 27, 2020
   Charlotte, N.C.
Your donations help get out our message to get Republicans elected - Â Let's Win in 2020!