I wanted to forward a email sent out by the OKGOP last night dealing with a major overreach by the Oklahoma Supreme Court. You can find the email the sent below. However, if you were not aware on Monday, May 4, 2020 the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled to remove the requirement of providing a copy of an Oklahoma photo ID or Notary Seal to verify a voter's authenticity when voting by Absentee Ballot. The ruling states that all is necessary now is just a signature on the ballot, with NO proof that it is your ballot and your vote!
State lawmakers are working to pass SB 1779 that would require Oklahomans voting by absentee ballot to include a photocopy of their ID. This would make Oklahoma one of only three states with similar requirements.  Follow this link the full article explaining the bill.
So I am asking you to send an email and also call your State Senator and State Representative and ask them to VOTE yes on SB1779. To make that easier for you I am listing all the State Senators and State Representative that represent Wagoner County below. All you have to do is click on the email link to email them. If you don't know who your State Senator or State Representative is then you can click here and search by your home address where you are registered at.
And once you have done that please share this with everyone you know. Forward it by email, send it on social media. We will have this email there as well so you can forward it from our Facebook Page and our Twitter Accounts.
Sen. Kim David - SD 18 | email for Sen. David | (405) 521-5590 |
Sen. John Haste - SD 36 | email for Sen. Haste | (405) 521-5602 |
Rep. Tom Gann - HD 08 | email for Rep. Gann | (405) 557-7364 |
Rep. Kevin McDugle - HD 12 | email for Rep. McDugle | (405) 557-7388 |
Rep. Scott Fetgatter HD 16 | email for Rep. Fetgatter | (405) 557-7373 |
Rep. Terry O'Donnell - HD 23 | email for Rep. O'Donnell | (405) 557-7379 |
Rep. Stan May - HD 80 | email for Rep. May | (405) 557-7338 |
Rep. Dean Davis - HD 98 | email for Rep. Davis | (405) 557-7362 |
Attention ALL Oklahomans:
Call to Action
Yesterday, May 4, 2020, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled to remove the requirement of providing a copy of an Oklahoma photo ID OR Notary Stamp to verify a voter's authenticity when voting by Absentee Ballot. The ruling states all that is necessary now is just a signature on the ballot, with NO proof that it is your ballot and your vote!
If we think the potential for voter fraud was bad before, this type of ruling guarantees a California style of voting and voter fraud like we have NEVER seen in this state! Imagine all the Absentee Ballots that will be sent in by deceased voters! Imagine the vulnerability of our Oklahomans by any group "helping" our seniors fill out ballots at nursing and convalescent homes.Â
(Read the full bill by clicking on SB1779)
We at the Oklahoma Republican Party applaud our leadership in both the House and the Senate by bringing forth SB1779  which, when passed, will again ensure and maintain the integrity of our elections.Â
We strongly encourage you to reach out and talk to your legislators and let them know you support SB1779 .
Our Oklahoma legislators are just as upset as we are and need to hear encouragement from YOU!
While the Oklahoma Supreme Court has failed to keep our Oklahoma voting process secure and proper, we thank Justice Kane, Justice Rowe and Justice Winchester for voting against this horrible injustice to our great state of Oklahoma!
Send this to EVERYONE you know and encourage them to call their legislator in SUPPORT OF SB1779!!
David McLain, Chairman
Oklahoma Republican Party
Other important dates:
May Monthly Meeting
   May 7, 2020
   7:00 pm Zoom Mock Convention Trial Run
   Mandatory for all Delegates of Wagoner County Republican Party
1st District Convention
   SATURDAY May 9, 2020
   10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Call in at 10:00 am. Convention begins 10:30 am)
   Location: Online or by phone using Zoom
   * Register using Eventibrite using this link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-ok-republican-1st-district-convention-tickets-99291987006
   * Delegates were determined at the County Convention on February 8th.
School Board Elections
   April 7, 2020
   Polls will be open from 7 am - 7 pm.
Oklahoma Republican Party State Convention
   Saturday, June 20, 2020 - Convention
   Location: Online or by phone using Zoom
   More info to come.
   * A email will be coming out shortly to those who were approved at our County Convention about time and how to register.
   * Delegates were determined at the County Convention on February 8th.
June Monthly Meeting
   June 4, 2020
   6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - Will be fundraiser and more info to follow.
   7:00 pm Guest Speaker - Republican Primary Candidates who have participated in the Candidate Information Questionnaire and been okay by the Candidate Information Committee.
August Monthly Meeting
   August 6, 2020
   6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - Summer Salads
   7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
2020 Republican National Convention
   Monday, August 24, 2020 - Thursday, August 27, 2020
   Charlotte, N.C.
Your donations help get out our message to get Republicans elected - Â Let's Win in 2020!