Last Call!! ALL Aboard the Trump Train! Republican Party of Tulsa County and Marcus Neal unite one more time for the last rolling rally before the election.
Grab your flags! Decorate your vehicles! Join with fellow patriots as we roll through the Tulsa area showing our support for our President.
We will meet in the NW parking lot at 71st and 193rd E Ave (Kenosha and County Line) at 1:00 pm (or earlier). announcements, prayer and pledge starting at 2:15. Begin lineup on BA Expressway starts at 2:45.
* Porta Potties will be available for use prior to departure
* Vendors will be on site
* Items available for raffle with benefits going to Tulsa FOP Benevolence Fund
Travel Route:
Broken Arrow Expressway to Highway 75 N to Highway 412 E
Our final destination: I Don't Care Bar and Grill for food, fun, and fellowship!! Plenty of parking and an outdoor bar
Last rolling rally we had over 330 vehicles and was a couple of miles long. Let's make this Final Call for the Trump Train even bigger! Tell your friends and family and join us for an afternoon of fun!!
2350 E Kenosha St
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
United States
Google map and directions
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