You are invited to an intimate gathering of friends and supporters of former President Ronald Wilson Reagan. We will be honoring President Reagan by listening to and sharing stories about his life as we remember him. The program will also include a full dinner and beverages.
Peggy Grande, former executive assistant to the President will share memories from the time the President left office until his passing. Governor Keating will be our Master of Ceremonies, as he was the highest ranked Oklahoman during the Reagan Administration.
We have opened a very limited number of tickets to keep the event small. All proceeds will go toward the Oklahoma Republican Party 2018 election period to keep our Republican leadership in Oklahoma.
Where: Gaillardia Country Club in Oklahoma City
When: February 19, 2018 at 6:30 PM
5300 Gaillardia Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73142
United States
Google map and directions