Wagoner County Republican Party Newsletter
Next Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, December 5, 2019
7:00 pm
Let's celebrate the reason for the season, Jesus Christ being Born!
Hope everyone has a Wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving this next week.
In previous years we have not had a December monthly meeting. But the executive committee decided this year we will have a Christmas Party for our December Monthly meeting.
We will still have a brief monthly meeting and then we will celebrate the reason for the season, Jesus Christ being born!
First off every year we strive to give back to the community and this year is no different. We ask that you bring a few canned goods for our effort to help fill the local food pantry.
Second we had announced in our last newsletter don't bring Christmas presents for each other. Instead bring a very nice Christmas Ornament to be Auctioned Off. The executive members have now been tasked with doing this instead. But if you still want to do this to help out in our efforts to raise funds for the party that is great also.
Our own Wagoner County District 3 Commissioner Tim Kelly has graciously agreed to be our auctioneer for the evening.
Come early and join us at 6:30 pm for a time of friendly fellowship.
(Favorite Christmas Snacks!)
Please use the West parking lot and entrance when attending.
Church of God of Prophecy (123 West Sycamore Street, Coweta)
Other important dates:
January Monthly Meeting (WCGOP Precinct Meetings)
Jan 9, 2020
6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - Cookies & Coffee.
7:00 pm Wagoner County Precinct Meetings.
Guest Speaker: Oklahoma State Rep. Tom Gann, Inola-08
Wagoner County GOP County Convention
Saturday, February 8, 2020
9:00 am Registration Begins.
10:00 am Convention Starts.
1st District Convention
Saturday, March 28, 2020
More info to come.
April Monthly Meeting
April 2, 2020
6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
Oklahoma Republican Party State Convention
Saturday, May 2, 2020
More info to come.
June Monthly Meeting
June 4, 2020
6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
Your donations help get out our message out to get Republicans elected - We Need To Win in 2020!