Wagoner County GOP Monthly Meeting - May 2019

7A9CAE0D-E888-491B-A562-7DB42AA627EA.gif7:00 pm (NOTE: Time has been moved back to the normal time)7A9CAE0D-E888-491B-A562-7DB42AA627EA.gif

Church of God of Prophecy (123 West Sycamore Street, Coweta)

David McLain Profile Picture

Guest Speaker: David McLain, Oklahoma GOP State Chair

McLain is a follower of Christ, an elder of his church, a devoted husband of 30 years, and a father of three. He is a successful and stable businessman owning multiple entities here in Oklahoma. He was a powerful and effective chairman of the Republican Party of Tulsa County. And now the newly elected Chairman of the Oklahoma GOP.

7A9CAE0D-E888-491B-A562-7DB42AA627EA.gifCome early and join us at 6:30 pm for a time of friendly fellowship.7A9CAE0D-E888-491B-A562-7DB42AA627EA.gif

(May Munchies – Bring a favorite spring snack to share!)

Please use the West parking lot and entrance when attending regular monthly meetings.


May 02, 2019 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Church of God of Prophecy
123 W Sycamore St
Coweta, OK 74429
United States
Google map and directions
Charlyn Hille Sandie Howard Hintz Michael Kauskey Denise Wasson Matthew Vermillion Sandy Hodges Larry Wasson Justin Dine

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