Guest Speaker: Jonathon Dunne
Jonathon Dunne is an Irishman, and he visited Florida as a young boy in the early ’90s. It was love at first sight. He fell for the beautiful weather, unique sports, different cuisines, and girls with stunning accents.
With the help of the internet, Jonathon sought out every bit of information on his beloved America. There he came across America’s founding documents, and since then, his mind has been captivated by the IDEA of America and God-given unalienable rights.
For the last 17 years, he has sought out opportunities to live in America legally. His dream nearly became a reality in 2017 when Glenn Beck offered him a position, but he failed to meet a work visa criteria.
Despite the pain and countless setbacks endured, Jonathon remains loyal to America. He works hard to promote limited government, individual freedoms, and free markets because they are the only kryptonite to the tyranny of socialism and big government control.
Jonathon Dunne is a keynote speaker, weekly podcast host on Blaze Media, and published author on major platforms such as The Blaze, Glenn Beck, Libertarian Republic, Western Journalism, and Constitution. Since 2012, he has reached millions with his message of American exceptionalism.
You will not want to miss November's monthly meeting.
Come early and join us at 6:30 pm for a time of friendly fellowship.
(Fellowship Food Theme: Pumpkin Foods)
Abundant Rain Church, 12425 S 273rd E Ave, Coweta, OK 74429
From Highway 51 in Coweta, turn West on E 121st Street and then left (South) on the first intersecting street, S 273rd E Ave. Then proceed approximately 1 mile to the Abundant Rain Church.
More information to come about this meeting. To keep up to date please REGISTER NOW on the website with a current email for yourself and we will make sure to keep you up to date.