Wagoner County GOP October 2022 Monthly Meeting

Wagoner County Republican Party Newsletter

Next Monthly Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, October 6, 2022

Join us at 6:30 pm for a time of friendly fellowship.

(Fellowship Food Theme: Cobbler)

Meeting at 7:00 pm

ROOM 132

Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
3100 New Orleans St,
Room 132,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014

Guest Speaker: Kevin Batts II, Project Forty-Six

Kevin Batts IIKevin Batts II, an Atoka Oklahoma Native, Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, former investigative writer for RedRiverTV.com, and current director of production for Project Forty-Six.

Project Forty-Six is a conservative news and information service that was created to combat censorship and circumvent the chokehold Big-Tech has on entry to the public square. Our goal is to provide insight into Oklahoma’s most pressing social and political issues.

Project Forty-Six brings you original content, in-depth interviews, and inside information you will not find anywhere else. Their focus is to maximize awareness of the issues that matter most to you and those that you can affect the most. Project Forty-Six aims to offer you content that provides you with the information you need at the local level. What happens in our communities matters so much more than what’s going on in DC. They will keep you engaged and informed at the State Capitol, at School Board meetings, and at City Council meetings. Wherever public policy is being decided, Project Forty-Six will bring you to the frontlines of every battlefield. Conservatives must be informed and engaged at every level of Oklahoma politics. The values we cherish in Oklahoma — life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — are under a coordinated attack by Marxist radicals who intend to destroy every American institution. The legacy media refuses to acknowledge or address this crisis — so we are stepping up. They invite you to enjoy our free content and we encourage you to subscribe. A monthly subscription will give you access to exclusive interviews, insightful articles from Oklahoma’s leading conservatives, and you will help support a critical public service — a conservative source for Oklahoma news and information. Being engaged and informed is a charge that Conservatives MUST adhere to, especially Oklahoma Conservatives. We have an obligation to keep our GREAT state RED and ensure it does not fall into the hands of the radical Left like we have witnessed in other states over the years. This is a FIGHT, a fight against Big Tech and a complicit media that has lost credibility.

We apologize we did have A.J. Ferate set to speak, but due to a scheduling conflict he was not able to make it.

Come early and join us at 6:30 pm for a time of friendly fellowship.

(Fellowship Food Theme: Cobbler)

Meeting at 7:00 pm


Room 132

Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
Room 132,
3100 New Orleans St,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014


Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
Room 132,
3100 New Orleans St,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014


Other important dates:

Mayes County GOP - Ryan Walters, Candidate for State Superintendent

When: Thursday, October 20, 2022
            7:00 pm - Guest Speaker: Ryan Walters, Candidate for
                            State Superintendent. Website
                            Candidate Information provided by CIC
Where: TBA Soon

November Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, November 3, 2022
            6:30 pm - Fellowship Food Theme: Thanksgiving Desserts
            7:00 pm - Guest Speaker: Steve Curry, National
                            Committeeman of the
                            Oklahoma Republican Party 
Where: Northeastern State University Broken Arrow, Room 132,
             3100 New Orleans St, Broken Arrow, OK 74014

R.S.V.P. Here for November Monthly Meeting

General Elections

When: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
           7:00 am - 7:00 pm at your assigned polling location
Last day to register to vote: October 14, 2022
           Deadline to request absentee ballot: 5 pm, October 24, 2022
           Early voting: Wednesday, November 2, 2022  8 am - 6 pm 
                                Thursday, November 3, 2022  8 am - 6 pm
                                Friday, November 4, 2022  8 am - 6 pm
                                Saturday, November 5, 2022  8 am - 2 pm

December Monthly Meeting - Christmas Ornament Auction Fundraiser

When: Thursday, December 1, 2022
            6:30 pm - Fellowship Food Theme: Christmas Snacks
            7:00 pm - Ornament Auction
Where: TBD

If someone forwarded this email to you and you live in Wagoner County and would like to keep up to date with our monthly meetings and events. Please REGISTER NOW on the website with a current email for yourself and we will make sure to keep you up to date.

Your donations help get the message out to get Republicans elected - #LeadRight

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Matthew Vermillion, Chair
Wagoner County GOP