Wagoner County Republican Party
Precinct Training
Scheduled for Thursday, September 16, 2021
Check in starts at 6:30 pm
Meeting starts promptly at 7:00 pm
(Only water is allowed in - NO FOOD ALLOWED)
The Precinct Training is primarily for current Precinct Chairs and Vice-Chairs. However if you are in any of the vacant precincts in the list below that doesn't have a chair or vice-chair then you are welcome to come and participate as well. This does not mean that you are automatically the chair or vice-chair. In order to become appointed to those spots you will need to contact Larry Wasson, the Wagoner County GOP Chair and go through the vetting process. Also if you are someone who just wants to learn more about how precincts work you are more than welcome to come as well. Everyone planning on attending needs to R.S.V.P. so that we have enough materials for everyone.
Precincts that don't have a chair and/or vice-chair are the following:
Precinct 101 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 102 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 105 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 107 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 108 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 109 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 202 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 203 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 204 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 205 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 206 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 207 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 208 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 210 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 305 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 306 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 307 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 308 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 309 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 310 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 311 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
Precinct 312 - Needs a Vice-Chair
Precinct 313 - Needs a Chair and Vice-Chair
To know what precinct you live in you need to look on your Voter ID card. Listed under precinct will be a 6 digit number. The last 3 numbers are the precinct number.
Abundant Rain Church, 12425 S 273rd E Ave, Coweta, OK 74429
From Highway 51 in Coweta, turn West on E 121st Street and then left (South) on the first intersecting street, S 273rd E Ave. Then proceed approximately 1 mile to the Abundant Rain Church.