Wagoner County Republican Party Newsletter
Our 2020 County Convention is set for Saturday, February 8, 2020
9:00 am Registration Begins
10:00 am Convention Starts
Precinct Meetings took place on January 9, 2020. The meeting had a full house attendance and several new/first time attendees. However, some precincts still have no precinct chair nor members attending meetings. If we are to become effective in helping with Republican campaigns, we need to energize the grass roots and encourage involvement.
Our County Convention will be held Saturday, February 8 at 10:00 am. We will meet at the Coweta Church of God of Prophecy (123 West Sycamore Street, Coweta). Registration will begin at 9:00 am and close at 9:55 am.
If you were unable to attend your precinct meeting or did not contact your precinct chair or Party chair in order to become a participating/voting delegate, you may still attend the Convention as a guest member.
The primary purpose of this year’s Convention is to elect delegates to attend the 1st District Convention as well as the Oklahoma Republican Party State Convention. These delegates will then elect delegates to the National Convention for the purpose of electing the Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States.
The 1st District Convention will be held Saturday, March 28 – details still to be determined.
The State Convention will be held Saturday, May 2 – details still to be determined.
Also, at the Convention, we will vote on changes to the following that have been presented at the precinct meetings:
Wagoner County Party Platform that were submitted by precincts.
The County Platform Committee met and has submitted an amendment to the County Platform. The amendment would replace the statement of principles on page 2 and 3 with the attached Wagoner County Republican Party Core Conservative Values. You can see the proposed change by clicking here. The current County Party Platform can be viewed at our web site wagonergop.com under the Party Information Tab or by clicking on this link here.
The proposed Convention Rules are posted at our web site wagonergop.com under the Party Information Tab or by clicking on this link here.
The County Rules committee met and had no changes that have been made at this time.
There is one State Rule changes for presentation to State that were submitted by the precincts. You can click on this link here to see it for your review.
Convention Guest Speaker: U.S. Congressman Kevin Hern, Oklahoma District 1
As the son of a 22-year Air Force veteran, Kevin Hern gained an early appreciation for the sacrifices that military families make. In high school, Kevin earned an Architectural Drafting Certificate in a concurrent Vocational-Technical school, which he used to work and pay for his Mechanical Engineering degree. Later in life, he earned his MBA.
He went on to work as an Aerospace Engineer for Rockwell. Kevin started his first small business in 1985 specializing in computer and software applications. Then he started saving to purchase his first McDonald’s Restaurant, starting several small business ventures: writing computer programs to automate tasks for businesses, real estate, and even hog farming.
In 1997, Kevin sold the hog farm to buy his first McDonald’s restaurants in North Little Rock. He went on to build an organization that owned 18 McDonald’s restaurants and employs over 1,000 people in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.
Kevin has worked across every aisle by serving in various leadership positions within the McDonald’s system - what is dubbed as the most grassroots business in the world. He served 13 years on the National Leadership Team that represented all of the 3,500+ U.S. Franchisees, serving for 8 years as the Ombudsman and 5 years as the chairman of the Systems Economic Team. As the Chairman of the Economics Team, he was responsible for the multi-billion dollar relationship between the franchisees and McDonald’s Corporation for the over 14,000 franchisee owned restaurants across the United States. He served on McDonald’s Tax Policy Team for 5 years and on the McDonald’s Insurance Corporation board for 8 years.
In addition, Kevin has part ownership in a manufacturing facility in Muskogee, real estate ventures, and three technology companies. He is co-founder of a community bank where he served for 17 years on the executive board. He uses his business acumen to help aspiring entrepreneurs create new businesses, so they can pursue their American Dream. He has been a small businessman and job creator for over 33 years.
Kevin Hern was sworn into Congress on November 13th, 2018 serving the remainder of NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine’s term. Kevin and his wife Tammy live in Tulsa and have three children. They are members of the Church at Battle Creek.
The location for the County Convention is a different building than where we meet for our monthly meetings.
Church of God of Prophecy (123 West Sycamore Street, Coweta)
Other important dates:
Presidential Primary Election
March 3, 2020
Polls will be open from 7 am - 7 pm.
REMEMBER TO GO VOTE - This is for BOTH Republican and Democrats.
* There are 6 names on the Republican Presidential Primary Ballot
March Monthly Meeting
March 5, 2020
6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - March Madness Tailgate Food
7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
1st District Convention
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Location: The Assembly, 3500 W New Orleans St, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
More info to come.
* Delegates will be determined at the County Convention on February 8th.
April Monthly Meeting
April 2, 2020
6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
Oklahoma Republican Party State Convention
Saturday, May 2, 2020
More info to come.
* Delegates will be determined at the County Convention on February 8th.
June Monthly Meeting
June 4, 2020
6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
July Monthly Meeting
July 3, 2020
6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
August Monthly Meeting
August 6, 2020
6:30 pm Fellowship Theme - TBD
7:00 pm Guest Speaker - TBD
2020 Republican National Convention
Monday, August 24, 2020 - Thursday, August 27, 2020
Charlotte, N.C.
Your donations help get out our message out to get Republicans elected - We Need To Win in 2020!
Larry Wasson, Chair
Wagoner County GOP