Wagoner County Republican Party 2024 County Convention

The 2024 Quadrennial County Convention is set for Saturday, February 24, 2024

9:00 am Registration Begins
9:55 am Registration Ends
10:00 am Convention Starts

Our Finest Hour Church, 11045 OK-51, Broken Arrow, 74014

Our County Convention will be held Saturday, February 24th at 10:00 am. We will meet at Our Finest Hour Church (11045 OK-51, Broken Arrow, 74014). Registration will begin at 9:00 am and close at 9:55 am. Doors will close at 9:55 am and if you are not in the building by that time you will not be allowed to participate. Convention will start at 10:00 am. Please make sure to have your Voter ID Card with you. There will be a separate sign in for Republican Guest and Candidates.

If you were unable to attend your precinct meeting or did not contact your precinct chair or party chair in order to become a participating/voting delegate, you may still attend the Convention as a guest member.

The primary purpose of this year’s Convention is to elect delegates to attend the 1st District & 2nd District Conventions as well as the Oklahoma Republican Party State Convention.  These delegates will then elect delegates to the National Convention for the purpose of electing the Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States.

  • The 1st District Convention will be held Saturday, April 6 in the morning – Location: Evergreen Baptist Church, 10301 E 111th St S, Bixby, OK 74008 – other details still to be determined.
  • The 2nd District Convention will be held Saturday, April 13 – details still to be determined.
  • The State Convention will be held Friday - Saturday, May 3 - May 4 – Location: OKC metro area – details still to be determined.

Also, at the County Convention, we will vote on changes to the following that have been presented at the precinct meetings: (We will have a packet for each delegate to pick up that will include all of the following printed out already)

Convention Guest Speaker:

State Superintendent Ryan WaltersState Superintendent Ryan Walters

Ryan Walters taught eight years as a high school history teacher in his hometown at McAlester High School (MHS). During his time at MHS, Walters taught Advanced Placement (AP) courses in World History, U.S. History and U.S. Government. He also taught on-level history classes, special education classes and Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) classes.

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) named Walters as an Oklahoma Teacher of the Year Finalist in 2016. He is passionate about the students of Oklahoma and advocating for their immediate and long-term success.

In September 2020, Governor Kevin Stitt named Walters as Secretary of Public Education. As Secretary of Education, he was responsible for various agencies, boards, and commissions, including the State Board of Education, College and University Boards of Regents or Trustees, Office of Educational Quality and Accountability and the State Board of Career and Technology Education.

Walters taught AP U.S. History at Millwood High School and McAlester High School. He is empowering teachers, parents and community leaders to improve Oklahoma’s education system for all students and previously served as Executive Director of Oklahoma Achieves, an education initiative of the State Chamber of Oklahoma that sought to get the business community more actively engaged in education.

He is a lifelong advocate of improving Oklahoma’s education system and helping every student reach their full potential.

A loving husband to his wife Katie, Walters has four children — Violet (6), Ella (4), Benjamin (2) and newborn Samuel.

Convention Guest Speakers By Video:

U.S. Senator James Lankford, Oklahoma's Senior SenatorU.S. Senator James Lankford, Oklahoma's Senior Senator

James Lankford served four years in the US House of Representatives for central Oklahoma, until he was overwhelmingly elected to the US Senate in 2014. Lankford was then reelected in 2016 and 2022. 

Before his service in Congress, James served students and families for more than 20 years in ministry, including 15 years as the Director of Student Ministry for the Baptist Convention of Oklahoma and Director of the Falls Creek Youth Camp, the largest youth camp in the United States, with more than 51,000 individuals attending each summer.

James and his staff enjoy serving people from all backgrounds across Oklahoma. As Ranking Member of the Government Operations and Border Management Subcommittee, which covers border security, management, and operations; regulatory reform; and the federal workforce. He demands we have a secure, more fiscally responsible, and transparent federal government, and our nation remains the world leader. He believes that the federal government has an important role in our nation, but empowered families, individual people, and private businesses grow our economy and pass down our values.

James was recognized as the Senate’s top-ranked “Taxpayers Friend” by the National Taxpayers Union for his strong record in support of lower taxes, limited government, and economic freedom. His annual Federal Fumbles report is a must-read in Washington, DC, because of its commonsense solutions to the problems our federal government faces. He has also been recognized by many other organizations for his work toward increased personal freedom, economic growth, and religious liberty.

James lives in Oklahoma City with his wife Cindy. They have been married more than 30 years and have two daughters, Hannah and Jordan. He enjoys spending time with his family, working in his yard, and reading.

U.S. Congressman Kevin Hern, Oklahoma District 1U.S. Congressman Kevin Hern, Oklahoma District 1

As the son of a 22-year Air Force veteran, Kevin Hern gained an early appreciation for the sacrifices that military families make. In high school, Kevin earned an Architectural Drafting Certificate in a concurrent Vocational-Technical school, which he used to work and pay for his Mechanical Engineering degree. Later in life, he earned his MBA.

He went on to work as an Aerospace Engineer for Rockwell. Kevin started his first small business in 1985 specializing in computer and software applications. Then he started saving to purchase his first McDonald’s Restaurant, starting several small business ventures: writing computer programs to automate tasks for businesses, real estate, and even hog farming.

In 1997, Kevin sold the hog farm to buy his first McDonald’s restaurants in North Little Rock. He went on to build an organization that owned 18 McDonald’s restaurants and employs over 1,000 people in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.

Kevin has worked across every aisle by serving in various leadership positions within the McDonald’s system - what is dubbed as the most grassroots business in the world. He served 13 years on the National Leadership Team that represented all of the 3,500+ U.S. Franchisees, serving for 8 years as the Ombudsman and 5 years as the chairman of the Systems Economic Team. As the Chairman of the Economics Team, he was responsible for the multi-billion dollar relationship between the franchisees and McDonald’s Corporation for the over 14,000 franchisee owned restaurants across the United States. He served on McDonald’s Tax Policy Team for 5 years and on the McDonald’s Insurance Corporation board for 8 years.

In addition, Kevin has part ownership in a manufacturing facility in Muskogee, real estate ventures, and three technology companies. He is co-founder of a community bank where he served for 17 years on the executive board. He uses his business acumen to help aspiring entrepreneurs create new businesses, so they can pursue their American Dream. He has been a small businessman and job creator for over 33 years.

Kevin Hern was first sworn into Congress on November 13th, 2018 serving the remainder of NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine’s term. Hern was re-elected in 2022. Kevin and his wife Tammy live in Tulsa and have three children. They are members of the Church at Battle Creek.

U.S. Congressman Josh Brecheen, Oklahoma District 2

Josh Brecheen (pronounced Bra-keen) is a committed Christian, husband, father, and is a fourth generation rancher in Coal County, Oklahoma. Prior to his time in Congress, he owned and operated a small excavation and trucking business, Rawhide Dirtworks L.L.C. He served as an Oklahoma State Senator from 2010 to 2018, obtaining an overall voting record as the third most conservative senator among those with whom he served. He was the original author of measures that included capping state debt, banning dismemberment abortions, and a true repeal and replace of the common core educational standards—the nation’s first. From 2004 to 2010, Brecheen worked for U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. as a field representative, working directly with Oklahoma constituents and evaluating federal programs for waste and inefficiencies.

Brecheen is a graduate of Oklahoma State University, where he earned a dual degree in agriculture. He served the Oklahoma FFA Association as State President in 1999 and later worked seasonally for the National FFA Organization as an ALD conference presenter. Until 2010, he brought inspirational messages into approximately 500 public schools, universities, and conferences through his motivational speaking business, Brecheen Keynotes and Seminars and also as a free service when employed by Tom Coburn.

Brecheen grew up in the professional cutting horse industry and in his youth was a two-time national qualifier for the National Cutting Horse Association Eastern Championship show. After college, Brecheen started training cutting horse futurity prospects as a “non pro” and has been raising quality cow horses for over 20 years.

As a member of Congress, he is focused on reining in our unsustainable debt and deficit spending, which he is convinced is undermining our national security.

Location for County Convention is different than where we meet for monthly meetings.

Our Finest Hour Church, 11045 OK-51, Broken Arrow, 74014


Other important dates:

2024 1st Congressional District Convention

When: Saturday, April 6, 2024
           Time To Be Announced
WhereEvergreen Baptist Church, 10301 E 111th St S, Bixby, OK 74008
What: More information will be coming out.
* To be a delegate at the 1st Congressional District Convention, you must attend your precinct meeting as well as the County Convention & you also must live in the 1st Congressional District. If you MUST be absent from the precinct meeting, you must contact your Precinct Chair before the close of the week of the precinct meeting. If you cannot reach your Precinct Chair, contact your County Chair.

2024 2nd Congressional District Convention

When: Saturday, April 13, 2024
           Time To Be Announced
Where: TBA
What: More information will be coming out.
* To be a delegate at the 2nd Congressional District Convention, you must attend your precinct meeting as well as the County Convention & you also must live in the 2nd Congressional District. If you MUST be absent from the precinct meeting, you must contact your Precinct Chair before the close of the week of the precinct meeting. If you cannot reach your Precinct Chair, contact your County Chair.

2024 Quadrennial OKGOP State Convention

When: Friday, May 3 - Saturday, May 4, 2024
           Time To Be Announced
Where: Location TBA, Oklahoma City, OK
What: More information will be coming out. There are requirements that have to be met.
* To be a delegate at the Quadrennial State Convention, you must first start by attending your precinct meeting and then be elected as a Delegate from the County Convention TO the State Convention. If you MUST be absent from the precinct meeting, you must contact your Precinct Chair before the close of the week of the precinct meeting. If you cannot reach your Precinct Chair, contact your County Chair.

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February 24, 2024 at 9:00am - 1pm
Our Finest Hour Church
11045 OK-51
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
United States
Google map and directions
Matthew Vermillion, Chair of Wagoner County Republican Party · · 918-609-2438
Grant Huskey Cynthia (Cindy) Starr Barbara Scruggs Gabe Woolley Jerald Scott Staton Gary Woods Margaret woods Julie Ballew Michael Kauskey Gregory Reece Jack Thorp

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