Wagoner County GOP January 2025 Monthly Meeting

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.  We will not be having our monthly meeting on the first Thursday of January 2025.  Instead we are moving it to the second Thursday of the month.  We look forward to seeing you then.

Wagoner County Republican Party Newsletter

Next Monthly Meeting Thursday, January 9, 2025

Guest Speaker: State Sen. Dana Prieto, Senate District 34

State Sen. Dana Prieto, Senate District 34

State Sen. Dana Prieto, will be giving an update on the newly formed Freedom Caucus in the Oklahoma Legislature. 

Prieto was elected to the Oklahoma Senate in 2022, proudly representing District 34 in Tulsa County.

Dana was born and raised in Amherst, New York, where he graduated from high school, then attended Niagara Community College.  While living in New York, he built a successful carpet and tile floor cleaning company, which he owned and operated until moving to Oklahoma in 1991 to attend Rhema Bible College in Broken Arrow. He also studied web design at Tulsa Community College, and is the owner and operator of Everlasting Enterprises, an online marketing company for small businesses.

The grandson of immigrants, Dana has an abiding love of American freedoms, citizenship, education and history.  While still in grade school, he became an avid reader of books on early explorers and outdoorsmen.  Learning that the American West was opened by early explorers and trappers scouting out new territory, he was inspired to learn the art of trapping. That fascination also led him to work for a while as a lumberjack.  

He also expressed an interest in learning guitar at the early age of four, which his parents encouraged, buying him a small guitar and he taught himself to play. By his early teens, he was an accomplished classical and folk guitarist.  He performed in city-wide crusades in western New York in the 1980’s, and in Oklahoma at both Rhema Bible Church and World Outreach Church. Senator Prieto continues to play guitar at local churches, including Millennial Church in Tulsa where he and his wife are members. 

The Prietos are the proud parents of two grown daughters and have two grandchildren.

Come early and join us at 6:30 pm for a time of friendly fellowship.

(Fellowship Food Theme: Favorite New Years Eve Snacks)

Meeting at 7:00 pm

(See Map Below)

Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
Liberal Arts - Room 112,
3100 New Orleans St,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014

Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
Liberal Arts - Room 112,
3100 New Orleans St,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014

Make sure to visit our Store on our Website at WagonerGOP.com.  Just click on the link and it will take you to our website.  Then at the top click on store.  Right now we are limited to only 5 products.  But as soon as we raise $5,000 from donations through the store then we can add more items.  However we can change out the items listed.  If you have recommendations of products you would like to see please email me at [email protected] and we will add them to our list of items to possibly add in the future.


Other important dates:

Precinct Meetings

When: Thursday, January 30, 2025
           6:30 pm - Fellowship Time: Cookies and Coffee 
           7:00 pm - Precinct Meetings
Where: Indian Capital Technology Center, Wagoner County Campus, 31350 E State Hwy 51, Coweta, OK 74429
Must be a registered Republican in the Precinct and County by the date set by the County Executive Committee of, December 31, 2024.
More information will be coming out soon

If someone forwarded this email to you and you live in Wagoner County and would like to keep up to date with our monthly meetings and events. Please REGISTER NOW on the website with a current email for yourself and we will make sure to keep you up to date.

   Matthew Vermillion
   Chairman, {{broadcaster.name}}

   918-609-2438  |  www.wagonergop.com  |  [email protected]

   PO Box 222 | Coweta, OK 74429

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