Wagoner County GOP June 2022 Candidate Forum/Monthly Meeting

Wagoner County Republican Party Newsletter

Next Monthly Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, June 2, 2022



Precinct Meetings

Meeting at 7:00 pm


Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
Banquet Hall,
3100 New Orleans St,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014

Guest Speakers: 2022 Republican Party Primary Candidates who completed the Candidate Information Committee process and received a passing vote will be invited to speak at the Candidate Forum

So far the following Republican Party Candidates who completed the Candidate Information Committee process and received a passing vote have been invited to speak at this meeting:

This list is updated as of 5/21/22 (The Candidate Information Committee is still conducting follow up interviews up till 5/28/22 and once the candidates who have submitted their questionnaire is interviewed they will be sent an invitation and added to the list below).

  • Michael Coibion, Candidate for U.S. Senator  - Unexpired
  • Jessica Jean Garrison, Candidate for U.S. Senator - Unexpired
  • Adam Holley, Candidate for U.S. Senator - Unexpired
  • John Bennett, Candidate for U.S. Congress CD 2
  • Josh Brecheen, Candidate for U.S. Congress CD 2
  • Clint Johnson, Candidate for U.S. Congress CD 2
  • Erick Wyatt, Candidate for U.S. Congress CD 2
  • Moira McCabe, Candidate for Oklahoma Governor
  • Mark Sherwood, Candidate for Oklahoma Governor
  • William Crozier, Candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Ryan Walters, Candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • John Haste, (Incumbent), Candidate for State Senate District 36
  • David Dambroso, Candidate for State Senate District 36
  • Carlisa Rogers, Candidate for State House District 13
  • Chasity Levi, (Appointed Incumbent), Candidate for Wagoner County Treasurer
  • Julie Ballew, Candidate for Wagoner County Treasurer
  • Tim Kelley, (Incumbent), Candidate for Wagoner County Commissioner District 03
  • Jeff Flanagan, Candidate for Wagoner County Commissioner District 03

Also the final results from the Candidate Information Questionnaire will be published on or about May 30th on the website located at www.WagonerGOP.com/2022_candidates

An email is being sent to all Chairs/Vice-Chairs of the New Precincts calling for Precinct Meetings at this meeting.  The purpose of helping members of the Wagoner County Republican Party get to know the new precincts due to redistricting that takes place every 10 years after a census.  We will have tables set up for every precinct.  If your precinct number or polling location changed you would have received a new voter ID card in the mail.  If you didn't then you had no changes.  If you don't know what your precinct number s then you can go to What's my precinct number to find out. 

Meeting at 7:00 pm



Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
Banquest Hall,
3100 New Orleans St,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014


Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
Banquet Hall,
3100 New Orleans St,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014


Other important dates:

Candidate Information Questionnaire Released

When: On or About Monday, May 30, 2022 the information about the
            2022 Candidates that would represent 
Wagoner County, may
            be found at 
            (This will go live On or About Monday, May 30, 2022).  There
            will also be a post on Monday, May 30, 2022 at 
            that we 
ask you to please, please share when it is posted.

Volunteer Needed for Wagoner 61st Annual Summerfest

When: Thursday, June 2nd from 5pm to 10pm (We have this covered
                          during our monthly meeting)
           Friday, June 3rd from 5pm to 11pm
           Saturday, June 4th from 1pm to 10pm and take down of the
           booth after.
Where: Downtown Wagoner, OK
             Please email your name and phone number to 
             [email protected] if you are able to help out even if
             only for an hour.

Broken Arrow Rooster Day Parade

When: Friday, June 10, 2022
            3:30 pm - Line up no later than
            4:00 pm - Parade Starts 
Where: We are working on where to line up at.  It will be in
             downtown Broken Arrow.

Primary Elections

When: Tuesday, June 28, 2022
           7:00 am - 7:00 pm at your assigned polling location
Last day to register to vote: June 3
           Deadline to request absentee ballot: 5 pm, June 13
           Early voting: Thursday, June 23, 8 am - 6 pm
                                Friday, June 24, 8 am - 6 pm
                                Saturday, June 25, 8 am - 2 pm

No July Monthly Meeting

August Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, August 4, 2022
            6:30 pm - Fellowship Food Theme: Picnic Food
            7:00 pm - Guest Speaker or Speakers: TBD 
Where: Northeastern State University Broken Arrow, Room 132,
             3100 New Orleans St, Broken Arrow, OK 74014

R.S.V.P. Here for August 4th Monthly Meeting

If someone forwarded this email to you and you live in Wagoner County and would like to keep up to date with our monthly meetings and events. Please REGISTER NOW on the website with a current email for yourself and we will make sure to keep you up to date.

Your donations help get the message out to get Republicans elected - #LeadRight

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Larry Wasson, Chair
Wagoner County GOP