Wagoner County Republican Party Newsletter
Next Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, May 6, 2021
7:00 pm
Guest Speaker: Jackson Lehmeyer, Candidate for U.S. Senate
Jackson Lehmeyer grew up in Claremore, OK where he started my first business.
Lehmeyer attended Oral Robert’s University and received a B.A. & M.A. in Theological & Historical Studies. While at ORU he served in several different churches as the Youth Pastor.
Upon Graduation Lehmeyer was hired as a Crusade Director for Christ For All Nations the ministry of Reinhard Bonnke. During his time with CFAN he also became the Oklahoma State Coordinator for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Leymeyer time with these two great ministries taught him an incredible amount about organizational structure.
In January 2017, Lehmeyer stepped in as the Lead Pastor of the historic Sheridan Christian Center in Tulsa, OK which is now known as Sheridan.Church. While at Sheridan he has also been a regular Instructor at Victory College for over 4 years and involved with Christians United For Israel and National Day of Prayer.
During his time in ministry he has grown his own business Lahmeyer Investment Company which is the umbrella for his Lawn Care & Junk Removal Service.
Then on March 16, 2021 Lehmeyer announced his candidacy publicly for the US Senate in Oklahoma to challenge Senator James Lankford in the 2022 Republican Primary.
Come early and join us at 6:30 pm for a time of friendly fellowship.
(Fellowship Food Theme: Pizza provided by Wagoner County GOP)
Abundant Rain Church, 12425 S 273rd E Ave, Coweta, OK 74429
From Highway 51 in Coweta, turn West on E 121st Street and then left (South) on the first intersecting street, S 273rd E Ave. Then proceed approximately 1 mile to the Abundant Rain Church.
Abundant Rain Church, 12425 S 273rd E Ave, Coweta, OK 74429
Report: Oklahoma Republican Party State Convention
By Marian Corcoran, Wagoner County Republican District Committeewoman
A summation of the 2021 OK GOP Convention would be that it was a huge disappointment.
Due to so many who did not pre-register, credentialing did not get finalized until after the lunch break. Therefore, business of the Convention did not get started until after 2 pm.
Then because of some opposition to the new technology of electronic voting, the acceptance of the Rules of the Convention was delayed. This then escalated into a late beginning for the sending of the codes for the electronic voting, which created further fodder for the opposition to the technological voting. As time extended, a counter move for paper ballots was again taken and though the emails for codes were almost completed, technology was defeated. The time-consuming paper ballots were reinstated for usage.
Therefore, much of the business of the Convention was not accomplished and the Convention adjourned shortly before 6pm with a loss of quorum.
There were some positive moments and outcomes…
The seating at tables was a new innovation and improvement for comfort.
The lunch was excellent.
A huge THANK YOU to the 30 delegates who represented Wagoner in person at the 2021 OK GOP State Convention. Because of your dedication, our County received our full 51 credit of votes.
The main order of business for the Convention WAS accomplished and Wagoner County Republicans offer congratulations to the new OK GOP Chairman John Bennett and Vice Chair Shane Jemison.
We express our thanks to outgoing OK GOP Chairman David McClain for his service to the Party.
We also thank State Senator Nathan Dahm for his excellence in chairing the State Convention. When so much countered the management of the Convention, his leadership allowed for the completion of the main order of business with civility.
Also, we offer appreciation to our elected officials who showed us that they DO Represent “We the People” –
- Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell spoke to the Convention and reported positive news and growth for Oklahoma. He also visited at our Wagoner County table and promised to come to one of our future meetings at our invitation.
- Congressman Kevin Hern spoke to the Convention, giving a report on the crisis at the border and some of the outrageous policies that the Democrats are trying to implement. He spoke with conviction about his intention to continue to fight for Oklahoma Conservative values. Several Counties applauded his speech with standing ovation.
- Representative Tom Gann visited with our County members – EVEN though he currently has only 1 Wagoner County precinct in his area of representation and not one of our attending delegates was from his representative precinct. He continues to vote with conservative values, and he played a vital role in groundbreaking regulatory reform through the creation of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules – an agency that will review state agencies rules throughout the year and streamline the rule appeal process to get unnecessary and costly regulations more quickly off the books. (This legislation was signed into law by Governor Stitt on April 12, 2021.)
- Representative Scott Fetgatter who also has limited Wagoner County precincts in his district was in attendance and seated with another County’s delegation.
- Wagoner County Accessor Sandy Hodges attended as a member delegate. Also, as she had served as Chair of the State Platform Committee, she was ready to present the Platform to the Convention. However, that business of the Convention did not get addressed.
- Wagoner County District Attorney Jack Thorp attended as a delegate. (His district also includes Adair, Cherokee and Sequoyah Counties.)
- OK Senator John Haste had planned to attend as a member delegate but had to send his regrets to our delegation for not being able to attend because of an unexpected personal conflict; Wagoner County Clerk Lori Hendricks had to cancel due to illness; Wagoner County Court Clerk Jim Hight sent his regrets to our delegation for not being able to attend because of pending surgery. (These officials often attend regularly scheduled monthly meetings.)
- BA City Council Member Debra Wimpee attended as a guest to the delegation.
The question is – where were our other Republican Wagoner County elected officials? State Senator Kim David, Representative Kevin McDugle, Representative Dean Davis, Representative Terry O’Donnell, and Representative Steve May.
How do you represent those constituents who have campaigned for, given money to support and most importantly VOTED to get you elected?
How can you serve and represent those for whom you never meet? You become the Oklahoma governing swamp. You echo the voices of the elected officials and do not listen or hear from those whom you are supposed to represent.
We the people EXPECT that you will attend our meetings and hear OUR voices.
We see that the Democrat Party is manipulating legislation to ensure their continued election to power, and we recognize that we need to grow our Party to counter the Democrat election fraud.
BUT how will we convince the people to join our Republican Party if our Party officials continue to be unresponsive to the people?
At this OK GOP Convention there were MANY first time Convention delegates and new members. And the Wagoner County delegation was 20% comprised of new members.
WHY? Because we the people are FED UP with elected officials NOT representing and serving the people. We are frustrated and angered with the agenda propagated and promoted by the Democrat Party and mainstream media AND we are frustrated and angered that this is not being effectively countered by our Republican Party.
At the onset of the Pre-Convention speeches, David McClain addressed the Convention and implored attendees to be civil and respectful. It is THAT obvious that we the people are not ‘happy’ with some of our Party officials.
Several counties had presented resolutions sanctioning Senators Inhofe and Lankford.
The Convention was respectful – but it was obvious that the attendees were not supportive, as there was very sparse standing applause for the Senators.
Senator Lankford did walk amongst the delegates in the foyer for the hours of registration and did appear to be listening to them. However, he did not address the Convention to explain his ‘betrayal’ of the electoral process on January 6 nor to tell of his current work in the Senate for “We the People”.
Note: At the last in-person Convention, Senator Lankford did speak to the Convention about what was occurring in Washington DC and did tell of the work he was accomplishing. It was a positive and good message.
This year, he offered the Prayer for the Convention. Period.
Senator Inhofe gave an arrogant speech.
He proudly presented a posting of the names of the Senators, who along with him, voted to accept the 2021 electors that gave Biden the Presidency of the US. He then condescendingly lectured the Convention on the purpose of the electoral college – showing total disregard for the attendees, as we attendees have no objection to the electoral college but rather, we did object to his not respecting the integrity of the vote of the people for the electors.
And then he touted all the great accomplishments of the Trump administration and his good work with President Trump. Totally blind to the fact his betrayal on the electoral vote for President Trump and “We the People” led to the inauguration of President Biden which immediately began to UNDO all the good of the Trump administration.
Note: At the last in-person Convention, Senator Inhofe gave an inspiring speech that delineated much of the good work of the Trump administration and spoke of more good work that was in progress. He also encouraged the Convention of the character and work ethic of President Trump.
Representative Mark Wayne Mullin started his speech well, but it disintegrated into a mishmash of ‘we all make some mistakes’, ‘we won’t always agree’, ‘we’re trying hard’, ‘let’s get along’ and defense for the Senators.
Yes, we want our Republican elected officials to work together, but we do not want them to betray our principles. When Senators Inhofe and Lankford changed their vote on January 6, they betrayed our principles! They caved to the Democrats’ propaganda and allowed for voter fraud to bring the Democrats to power. If an investigation proved there was no fraud, we could sadly accept the election of Biden as President. We wanted and expected the integrity of the vote to be preserved!
Note: At the last in-person Convention, Representative Mullin passionately stood for Conservatism. He gave an inspiring speech that contrasted Republican and Democrat principles. He gave a very clear explanation of the evils of the Green New Deal and how it aligned with socialism and government control of every aspect of our lives.
There were a few other speeches from OK GOP Party officials. Sadly, due to the uninspiring prior speeches, poor acoustics and impatience of the attendees waiting for the credentialing to be completed, these speeches were mostly overlooked.
That the voting for the Chair and Vice Chair did not take conclude until around 4pm, there was little time for the other business of the Party.
A rule change presented by Tulsa County was approved. It was brought before the Convention out of the order of the approved Agenda and the proposed Rule changes. At the time of presentation, the acoustics were horrible – not only was the sound system difficult, but there was much movement in the Hall by delegates who were leaving and talking. Many of us in the Wagoner delegation were not certain of the exact motion when the vote was called. Also, possibly at the time of voting, a quorum was lacking.
Fortunately, this became the last vote before adjournment.
Unfortunately, the 2021 OK GOP Convention will be ranked with one of the most disappointing Conventions of our Party. Certainly not the worst. But a frustratingly long day with so little accomplished.
Other important dates:
Fix WCGOP Trailer Up Day
When: Saturday, May 15, 2021
Sign up at the May Meeting
More Info to Come
June Monthly Meeting
When: Thursday, June 3, 2021
6:30 pm - Fellowship Theme - TBA
7:00 pm - Kitchen Table Meeting
Where: Abundant Rain Church, 12425 South 273rd East Avenue, Coweta, OK 74429
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