Wagoner County GOP Monthly Meeting - Precinct Meetings - Feb 2021

February Monthly Meeting - Precinct Meetings

When: Thursday, February 4, 2020 (Bad Weather Backup Date will be Thursday, February 9)
            6:30 pm - Fellowship Theme - Cookies and Coffee
            7:00 pm - Precinct Meetings
Where: Abundant Rain Church, 12425 South 273rd East Avenue, Coweta, OK 74429
* The business of the Precinct meeting is to:
     1. Elect new precinct officers for a 2-year term.
     2. Elect delegates to represent the precinct at the County Convention.
Submit planks/amendments/changes to the Wagoner County GOP Platform, and
         Recommend changes to the OKGOP State Party Rules and State Party Platform.
* Any person seeking to be seated as a delegate to any County or State Convention must:
     * Be a registered Republican in the Precinct and County by the date set by the County Executive Committee.
     * Attend their duly called local Precinct Meeting or if unable to attend the Precinct Meeting, you must contact your Precinct Chair before the close of the week of the precinct meeting.  If you cannot reach your Precinct Chair, contact your County Chair.

More information to come about this meeting. To keep up to date please REGISTER NOW on the website with a current email for yourself and we will make sure to keep you up to date.

Abundant Rain Church, 12425 S 273rd E Ave, Coweta, OK 74429

From Highway 51 in Coweta, turn West on E 121st Street and then left (South) on the first intersecting street, S 273rd E Ave. Then proceed approximately 1 mile to the Abundant Rain Church.

February 04, 2021 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Abundant Rain Church
12425 S 273rd E Ave
Coweta, OK 74429
United States
Google map and directions
Brandon Ellis Nicholas Jackson Joshua Stenros Larry Wasson Sandie Howard Hintz Justin Dine Bob Olson Miranda Merchant Mark Davis

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