Guest Speaker: Nathan Dahm, New Chair of the Oklahoma Republican Party and State Sen. of District 33
Nathan Dahm, spent his childhood years in Broken Arrow while his parents attended Bible school. In 1994, the Dahm family moved to the Eastern European nation of Romania as missionaries to the former communist nation. Upon graduating high school, Nathan returned to Romania to serve as a missionary.
During that time, he actively served in each department of his local church and designed the 65-acre Bible school campus being built a few miles outside Romania’s capital city, Bucharest, while serving as the general manager. In 2003, Nathan stayed on as general manager and added the position of Dean of Students for the Bible school’s charter class, serving as dean for four years until returning to Broken Arrow.
Upon returning home to Oklahoma, Nathan quickly noticed the changes facing America and the many challenges lying ahead. Obama was running for President and Nathan was shocked to see how few people realized how much of a Marxist-socialist he was. Nathan had just left a nation destroyed by communism and he couldn’t allow our country to experience the same fate.
Dahm became actively involved in the Tulsa County Republican Party and has served on the Executive Committee, as a Precinct Chair and Vice-chair, and as the President of the Tulsa Area Republican Assembly. He also got involved helping Republican candidates on numerous campaigns, and even Co-founding the Tulsa County Alliance of Young Republicans to get high school groups, College Republicans, and young professionals working together to stop the spread of socialism in our country.
Nathan currently is self-employed with his own app development company, and helps manage the cleaning company his family owns. He has worked in the past as an engineering technician for a local municipality, and as a producer for a Tulsa-based production company.
As a Constitutional Conservative, Nathan draws heavily from his experiences in the formerly communist- and currently socialist- nation of Romania to inform people of the failures, perils, and evils of socialism.
In 2012 Dahm was elected by the people of Broken Arrow to serve in the State Senate. Since then he has been ranked the most conservative State Senator in the history of Oklahoma. He has lead the charge in advancing Republican principles like protecting and expanding our rights. By being a bold voice and leading the way he was able to pass Constitutional Carry, pass several bills to outlaw abortion- even before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, & even created here in Oklahoma the nation’s first “President Donald J Trump Highway” to commemorate our great President.
Nathan is one of the few home-school graduates to ever serve in the Senate.
On May 6, 2023 at the Oklahoma Republican Parties State Convention held here in Tulsa, Nathan Dahm was elected by 59% of the delegation to be the State Chairman of Republican Party of Oklahoma. Below is a portion of the email that was sent out to the delegation by Nathan as to why he was running for the State Chair position:
“I understand the times we find ourselves in. The leftist socialists & Marxists have infiltrated almost every area of American society. They have control of the media & fake news, of academia & education, of the entertainment industry, of government agencies including at the State level, and on and on. And I understand the only way to counter that is to have bold & proven leadership who will stand up & speak the truth. We can’t afford to have people in leadership roles who would rather sit on the sidelines, remain quiet, or compromise away our rights.
We’ve been blessed in Oklahoma to have Republicans in control of every statewide elected office, the entire Congressional Delegation, & 80% super-majorities in the Oklahoma House & Senate. It’s not enough just to have majorities for the sake of majorities, we must ask ourselves what we are going to use those majorities to accomplish. And the answer should be: to implement the platform & principles of the Republican Party. The principles that separate us from the Democrats. We won’t win by growing government, raising taxes, infringing on rights, spending money, but just doing all those things slightly slower than the Democrats would do it!
That’s why I’m running for Chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party: to boldly be the voice of Republican Principles. We’ve seen the leftist fringe become so vocal that a fraction of 1% has been able to change the way gender is perceived in America. Because Republican leadership was scared to offend someone by speaking the truth. And the truth is that God made them Male & Female, there’s no other option! But the silence by Republicans has allowed those leftist lies to spread unchallenged.
I’ve been a constant voice for truth, even when no others were willing to speak out. I’ve stood alone on occasion, knowing that while I might have been the only one physically standing there, I was giving voice to those of you who wished someone would stand & speak up. I was giving voice to the principles we as the Republican Party say we believe. It’s no longer enough to simply believe it or say it quietly when convenient, we must boldly proclaim those truths for all to hear.”
Come early and join us at 6:30 pm for a time of friendly fellowship.(Fellowship Food Theme: Bring Your Own Brown Bag Dinner)
Meeting at 7:00 pm
(See Map Below)LIBERAL ARTS - ROOM 112
Northeastern State University Broken Arrow,
Liberal Arts - Room 112,
3100 New Orleans St,
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
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3100 New Orleans St
Liberal Arts - Room 112
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
United States
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