The purpose of the county convention is to elect county officers, elect delegates to the 2021 State convention, approve a County Platform to be submitted to the State Platform Committee and to conduct any other appropriate business.
Date: Saturday, March 6th, 2021 at 10:00 AM
Thanks to everyone that came out for the 2021 Wagoner Republican Party County Convention. It was a great convention filled with a record number of speakers. As usual, Lori Hendricks did an outstanding job as convention chair, with Joy Thorp serving as parliamentarian and Michael Kauskey as Sargent-at-arms. Congressman Kevin Hern and Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm were both keynote speakers and filled us in on what's happening at both the federal and state capitols and all of the challenges our legislators are facing this year. We made a couple of minor tweaks to our Platform and passed a resolution expressing our disappointment of both our U.S. Senators Jim Inhofe and James Lankford. Finally, we elected a new slate of officers to serve the next two years. Congratulations to the our continuing County Chair, Larry Wasson; Vice Chair, Eric Tomlinson; Secretary, Chris Corcoran; and Treasurer, Mary Ann Colston. Sandy Hodges and Michael Kauskey will now be our state committee woman and man, respectively. Larry Gallo and Marian Corcoran will serve as district committee man and woman, respectively. This is a wonderful slate of officers and the county is lucky to have them; they will serve with distinction and honor.
Attendees to the 2021 Wagoner County Republican Party Convention